
What’s anthropology or what’s not?

We can benefit from lots of the definitions to tell what anthropology is or what it is not. Anthropology is the west part of social sience but these words which were said by an anthropologist can explain the thoughts of the people who gave their love to this world. Anthropology is the thing which anthropologists do on the field . Shoes of an anthroplogist must be mudy.

At first, these words may not express something for the people who have not got detailed information on this subject . But in here our aim is to share this part of the social science and the works which were made by the people who have given their love to this world,by doing our best and without boring definitions or explanations. In these days anthropologyh is taking part in developping science and our opinion is that;if we pull the anthropology is past to the back of the time which people has just walked on earth,that won’t be a mistake was seen on a earth they don’t realise that they started the flag race,which will continue for thousand years. We started to live in the last billion year period of the whose age is defined of billion of years. We’ll turn over the race which has been left from our ancestors to the modern human and the flag which we have now to the following generation. And they’ll do the same to the next…. Our past still has same dark points…

Even if we say that we can guess what will happen in the future I wonder how much we’ll be succesful in these jobs. When we look at the physical sciences depending on these new technological developments that appear in the last several centuries we think we proceed a lot. I wonder if it is so. When we look back with the eye of criticism we can see that if we produced a lot. But we can’t deny that we were owed to our ancerstors for our new modern life. A lot of valve even if we realise or not made us ourselves and appeared after our life war. Including every aspect of a human being’s war to be a human every success and failure that was gained and race accepted as our successes ,all of these have part in the study of anthropology.

We think that anthropology is a social science which consist of all attitudes carried out,being carried out and will be carried out by people on purpose or not. While we’re examing the physical anthropology and our biological features the facts which were hidden in the real life are searched by subtitles such as social and cultural anthropolgy. Anthropology which is talked about ver often at the beginning of the 19th century is usually defined as human secience. The anthropologist who concentrated on the griminite societres and the people who live in the countryside gradually. The anthropologist who search the reasons of the facts which were experienced under different places masks and in different places are running after the subject and will go on running after these subject which are suppose to be mysterious and which is seen not to be as thought after searching. We try to explain the truths which couldn’t e answered for centuries. We’re still trying to gond data for our website. We will be with you next week with a study of a young social anthropologist on his first job exprerience and the social culturel and economic aspect of a village in Anatolia.

We’re coming soon just to share these with you!!!




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