Call for Chapter Proposals
Edited Book on “Fieldwork Experiences”
This book aims to provide an inside view of the problems, ambiguities, dilemmas and loneliness that foreign anthropologists face before and during conducting field studies in Turkey.
It will open up discussion on the individual dimensions, such as ethnic-religious identity, gender, political views, physical-emotional challenges, moral dilemmas of the anthropologist, as well as, on the bureaucractic and financial obstacles, communicative and technical problems of the research process. As an edited volume with a collection of various fieldwork experiences, the book will be the first of its kind in Turkey. It will be published in Turkish, but English articles are welcome.
If interested, please submit a short abstract of the proposed chapter, in addition to a brief resume to the editors of the book until March 31st, 2012. The decisions will be made by May 2nd, 2012. The last day for submission of the articles is September 30th, 2012.
For more information, please contact Z. Nilufer Nahya Bu e-Posta adresi istenmeyen posta engelleyicileri tarafından korunuyor. Görüntülemek için JavaScript etkinleştirilmelidir. and Rabia Harmanşah Bu e-Posta adresi istenmeyen posta engelleyicileri tarafından korunuyor. Görüntülemek için JavaScript etkinleştirilmelidir. .